Something Swedish

About Meg

The first question people ask is, “Sweden!? Why Sweden?” Well, my husband lives in Sweden and home is where the heart is! “He lives in Sweden!? But how did you meet?” No, we didn’t meet through a chance meeting while he was traveling for work, we met online. “Oh, one of those dating websites??” No, we had a mutual interest. This is usually met with a confused expression. We met through an online game where we learned about each other and fell in love. He came to New York City and I went to Sweden. We got married and I moved to Sweden instead of him moving to New York. Where will it lead? How long will you live there? All we know is we are here now and I have to learn how to become a Swedish Wife.

I am learning Swedish language, culture and history. Traditions and nuances. Food and decor. I am learning to be Swedish while learning to be a wife. While learning to live (very far) away from home for the first time. I am keeping track of my progress, my experiences, my interactions. I  am sharing my thoughts, my solutions, my difficulties, my conquests and the things I learn along the way.

I hope to reach out and help out. To find people who are curious and interested. My journey is one of many! Its a new life on every level and I intend on making the best of it!

To learn even more about me and how/why I moved from NYC to Sweden and why I love them both, read Someone, Somewhere, Something: A transcontinental Love Story

167 thoughts on “About Meg

  1. I feel your pain in the first paragraph… People always asked me why I moved to Arkansas of all places. Do you tell everybody you met on an online game? I have found in the years Jason and I have been together to just let people assume we met through a dating website or whatever else, unless I am friendly with the person. I get less weird looks and less “Oh, well, that’s….interesting.”

    I am so glad though that at least Arkansans speak English, well, mostly…I don’t envy you on learning another language.

    Oh and btw, I miss you and the hubby! Tell him I said hi!

  2. It is a bit of an awkward thing to drop into a conversation, but I like defending it so I don’t hide it. I used to but I didn’t feel like I should have to. I do usually say “Online” And only tell them “Gaming” if they probe. Which then leads into me talking about how its a great way to meet someone, when you least expect it, doing something you both enjoy. Its safer than meeting someone in a sleezy bar while drinking, you get to know the person over time. But yea, it does raise some eyebrows, and I do get a bit nervous saying it sometimes. We miss you too!

    • Ahahaha, that is too funny 🙂 I met my first husband the same way, but this was back in 1992! Try explaining “the Internet” to immigrations back then – it was not easy! He moved to Sweden with me for a while, had the kids there (of course!), and then moved over here. I’m still here, but now with my second husband. I like to think he’s the last 😉

      • Sorry for the late reply! Wow, you met online in 1992 and moved to Sweden? That’s amazing. Sometimes its people who bring you to where you need to be, even if not with each other. 🙂 Best of luck to you- always great to hear these Swedish love stories!

  3. Hey Meg,

    I think it is awesome that you met through a game. I have a very similar story but I have not yet moved till Sverige 🙂

  4. I too moved here because of a Swedish husband that I met on the Internet. The difference is that we met, got married, and lived in the States (Las Vegas) together for 11 years before we decided to move to southern Sweden (Skåne). I have now lived in Sweden for 2 1/2 years and jag kan prata lite svenska. I went SFI and finished in less than a year. I enjoy living in Sweden and of course there are some things that take some getting used to like the stores closing so early (open 24/7 in Vegas) and nothing much being open on Sundays. However, I do not regret it at all and with your open mind and positive attitude, you should have no trouble at all.

  5. Hej!

    Hmm Engelska eller svenska? I’ll write in English 🙂

    I’m from England and have lived in Sweden for 8 years now. Almost married!

    I speak swedish 80% of the time now, except when I’m angry hehe


    • Engelska for now! Once I get more comfortable and learn more I am really looking forward to trying to write more in Swedish! Its great to hear that you are so comfortable with the language now! Very encouraging- tack!!

  6. Meggie 🙂
    Gotta read your blog. I am super nervous about moving and relocating with Charlie but you moved out of the country!! So if you can do it, I know I can 😉 You’ll be my motivation, to accept all challenges but be grateful for the experience xoxo

    • Giselle, Nervous is normal! I would be concerned if you weren’t nervous. Do you know where you’ll be moving? I know you’ll be fine, it takes some time and work but it all comes together and is worth it, you’ll adjust just like I am. I’m glad I’m helping just by being here xoxo ❤ Hope to see you when we are in NY, when will you be leaving?

  7. Hi Mel,

    I am coming to Stockholm, next week 🙂

    • Have a great visit! I have never been to Stockholm, it is way north of us 🙂 Looking forward to going there sometime this year when money isn’t as tight 🙂 Tell me all about it when you can though!

  8. Hi there!

    I have a very similar story about meeting through a game, and I agree it’s a great way to get to know someone over time, without even meaning to! =) Been living in Sweden with the Swedish sambo since November 2010. I hope you’re doing well so far!

  9. It is my second visit to Stockholm: it is a beautiful city. Will report!

  10. Hi! Nice blog you have!
    Good luck on your journey in this beautiful country!

  11. I have been visiting for three years (4 times, total of three months) and I just finally moved here on December 17th! 🙂

    • Looking to start working as soon as I can, I understand its hard to find work without Swedish so SFI is the first priority right now. 🙂 I’m sure it will all fall into place! Tack!

  12. Hi. I came across your blog through , lol …i just clicked your blog and started reading a bit. I’m kind of in a similiar situation, only that i met my future husband on facebook, and i totally hate it when ppl ask me where we met, lolv…anyways…we have applied for him to come live with me in Skåne.He lives in new york,and we should have a decision within a month, only problem is that he is at the same time applyinf for american citizenship, and can’t live outside of the country more than 6 month, so we will probably have to wait til summer. The waiting is sooo frustrating. Just wanted to share some, and i’ll keep reading your blog, seems interesting 😉

    • Hi Annika!

      Wow, that sounds a bit more confusing than most other citizenship decisions. The great thing about online relationships is you are used to being apart, waiting a few months so that you are allowed to be together isn’t the end of the world, even if it sucks. Glad you like the blog!

      • Great to see so many people have met through internet! I met my boyfriend / sambo in FB and we’ve been together for almost 4 years now. We have lived in Finland, in The Netherlands and now in Stockholm, Sweden.

        Your blog is very nice! I’m sure you have new follower here 🙂


  13. Hi, Meg. Thanks for following my blog. It’s nice to see there are others out there in a similar situation. 🙂

    I know what you mean about telling people where you met. My first husband and I met on an online game and, my! The looks people gave me!

    I moved to Poland for him and went back to the US when it didn’t work out. It’s a lot harder trying to integrate into a country where you don’t know the language. I’m having a much easier time in Australia than I did in Poland.

    I hope Sweden starts to feel like home to you very quickly. It’s a beautiful country with a lot to like about it.

    • I’m glad you are having an easier time in Australia. I always thought it would be hardest to learn and adapt to culture or customs but you just can’t do that without the language, so its priority number one. Thanks for reading!

  14. You might be interested in this.

    It is a blogg about an american expat moving and living in the exact same town as you do. So it might give you some cultural reference about certain things that are different in your little corner of the world

  15. Hi Meg 🙂 Just saw that you followed me on Twitter and your name piqued my interest, found your blog and now I’m a subscriber ;D

    I have almost the exact same story as you, but I guess it’s “reversed”. I’m Swedish and met the love of my life (Beth <3) in an online game (Star Wars Galaxies), she visited me in Sweden but I moved from Sweden to California 😉

    Anyways, I hope you're doing well in the cold. I've added your RSS feed to my reader so I'll read as many of your posts as I can 😀

    Take care!

    • Andreas, so glad you joined the party! Always nice to meet people who found love online, and even better if they have moved to/from Sweden! Nice to meet you- hope you are enjoying sunny Cali enough for the both of us- brrrr. 🙂

  16. What a wonderful yummy-looking post! I think I’m going to run down the street now to our local bakerei, practice my nearly nonexistent German, gobble something fatty and sweet, and then the dogs shall get their romp through the vineyards! I look forward to reading more about your Swedish adventures! Tchuss!

  17. I like your blog, Meg! It’s fun to read how an ‘outsider’ experience your own country. Myself comes from Skane but have lived the past 10 years in the Netherlands. Hope you will enjoy yourself and create a good life in Halmstad! By they way, when I tell people I live in the Netherlands they also get very confused. Cos how could I leave a country with so much space and wonderful nature to tiny, overcrowded and natureless Holland??!!

  18. Dear Meg, I’ve just randomly found your blog this morning and just wanted to add a “you go, girl!” to you. I’m originally from the US, too. I arrived on the “two year plan” and have extended that for 15 years! (Note: when I met Americans abroad, like myself, when I first moved here, I thought they were martians. I speak for all of them: we’re OK!… In some ways, I feel more American than when I arrived and in others, have picked up peculiarities that must be called “martian” to my family when I am “home and visiting.”)
    I grew the most and the experience was the best when I decided that living here vs the US was not an “or” statement; but it was an “and:” I can like my life here AND I can like my life there. They both have their good points and both good lives. I’ve very glad that I found you and will return. I’ve only recently started a blog, too that is very much about an international family abroad with an eye on design, the everyday, food and travel. Warm Wishes to you/G @willowday

    • I’m glad you found me too! Thank you for the insight. “AND” is the right word, there’s nothing wrong with liking two different “worlds” I will check out your blog- thanks for the great comment 🙂

  19. Hej hej!

    Thank you for liking and commenting on some of my posts 🙂

    It must have been exciting for you to move to Sweden, I’ve been there and the people are real nice! Though the chilly weather took a little bit of adjusting to.

    Good luck with learning Swedish and everything! 🙂

  20. You are very brave and don’t forget it – to not only move to a new country but to take on new family and friends, language and culture, it’s no small thing. Enjoy your life and don’t forget to rug up!

  21. Hiya,
    I did the other way around — moved from Sweden to Canada [first five years in Quebec!] when I was almost fifty. Met my man online, in a mutual interest chat room. Now it’s been eight years, and I live in Maritime Canada. From Härnösand..

  22. Always love to read about another American here in Sweden!

  23. Hi to all! It’s nice to know people having similar experiences, specially meeting our lifetime partners online. With technology nowadays, it’s nice to have friends too even when we are so busy with work in different timezones. I am married to Swedish husband, and he tells me many stories of his homeland, family, tradition, food and the many nice places to see in Sweden. We plan to go on summer vacation and have our Swedish wedding too. He likes me to experience traditional Swedish wedding complete with a real Swedish flower crown, just like a princess. Oh I would love to go and pick flowers too! I hope to meet more friends from Expat Blog so we can have nice Midsommar together:)

    • Hi Phwriter! It really is something special that we are all able to find each other and connect! How exciting for your Swedish wedding – That’s lovely! I loved mine, it was just perfect! Midsommar is wonderful and I can’t wait to celebrate it again!

  24. You’ve taken such a huge bite but you seem to be up for the challenges. It was enough for me to adjust to becoming a wife – and I missed my family when they only lived an hour away!

    • That’s the thing- I figure it doesn’t matter how far you move, weather it is a couple of hours away or around the world, you will still be somewhere new, different, a place you need to adjust to (Maybe not as much) and either way you will have that separation. On the other hand, I speak to some of my family more now than I ever did before- even if its not face to face I still think that is special.

  25. Hi! I was so excited to find your blog! I’m from the US and I’m spending the spring semester in Sweden at Linnaeus University, which is in Växjö in Kronoberg. It’s great to read about another American’s experiences, especially with price conversion. (I’ve realized I’ve gotten very good at my seven times table!)

    Have a great week!

    • Hi Emelia, I’m happy that my blog is helping with the transition!! its always nice to connect with other people visiting/moving to Sweden! Hope to hear more from you. I still stink at my seven times table…lots of finger counting!! haha

  26. Hey Lagom I just found your Blog! I have been living in Halmstad for just 2 weeks, It’s my first time in Sweden and I came all the way from New Zealand to live her with my darling. 🙂
    Im so excited to find out there are people like me randomly moving here, everything thought I was mad but you know home is where the heart is!
    I am currently trying to get into the SFI corse so hopefully I wont have to wait to long as I just want to get into it. I don’t know anyone here at all so it can be rather frustrating at times as my partner is working all day 🙂
    Well nice to know your here, nice Blog good luck.

    • Oh! Välkommen till Halmstad!! I have seen some people get into my SFI claass very very quickly, even after it had started, because there wass just seats available. If you do haave to wait it should only be for about 4-6 weeks. I had to wait 9 weeks because I just missed the last spot. Now you kind of “know” someone in the area! I hope to hear from you again, good luck with SFI, maybe we will bump into each other 🙂

  27. Hey well funny you say that 4-6 weeks!! haha I was there today speaking again with them and I was told there is No place till the 18th of June!! I was like wo wo wo.. haha
    I will be going to the SFI3 but there is no places at the moment, so they say.
    So I think I will have taught myself Swedish by June 🙂 Hopefully a spot will come up before then, in the mean time I will continue with my study at home.
    It’s kind of a bummer also as i’m looking forward to meeting some people around here, I read in one of your blogs that there is also someone from New Zealand in your class??
    Well maybe we can meet up for a Fika sometime your free.
    Cheers 🙂

    • I actually learned today that the school will be moving to a different location in the begining of June- so keeping that in mind I assume they will not be starting any new classes before the move, to keep it less complicated. 6 weeks would be the end of May, so it makes sense since the school will be closed for 10 days. Studying at home helps a lot, I came into the class being somewhat familiar with the basics and could tell that I understood more than some of the class, most of the class seemed to have been studying on thier own as well. Very helpful since the class is taught with so much Swedish.
      The guy from New Zealand actually had to leave our class and start night school because of a new job, but I think some keep in touch with him. Fika sounds like an idea- socializing has really been helping a lot since I’ve moved here, the adjustment is hard. Lycka Till! (Good luck)

  28. Hej, Thanks for the reply! So 6 weeks sound’s good I guess. I am just so ready to start the classes mostly for the fact that I need to meet some people 🙂
    Do you have any other Idea’s for me to meet people? My partner is really trying to introduce me to his friends but he’s working so much that It’s not to easy.
    I have been searching for some kind of groups meetup ect.. going on but I can’t seem to find anything really going on for English speaking people. 😛
    Any more Ideas to help me settle in would be greatly appreciated.
    I am continuing with the study at home but it’s all very different learning Swedish but as I taught myself French and Spanish I know I will get there!
    Thanks 🙂

  29. Hej Meg, this is such a sweet love story ! I met my Canadian husband in Iceland while traveling the Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway…) and we get the question very often !
    I love reading your blog – keep up the good work !

  30. Hej Meg,
    It was quite interesting to see your blog. I am an interaction design student at Umeå Institute of Design. We are currently working on a service design project around ‘language and participation’ and ‘teaching Swedish as a second language’, I guess you saw some of the initial work on my blog ‘Putting the X in ID’. I was wondering if it would be possible to speak with you anytime, I think you could provide some really interesting perspective and insights on our project.

    Please let me know.


  31. Hi!
    I really like your blog (I found the link on the blog An american hermit crab in Denmark). It’s interesting to see all your pictures. I read some of your posts, have you been to Halmstad? I used to live there.. there’s a beautiful place called Skipås north of Halmstad, you have to go there if you live nearby 🙂
    Have a great day! /Alexandra

  32. Hello there! My name is Malte Zeeck, and I am with I really enjoyed reading your fantastic blog! I think expats in Sweden and around the world could really gain some great insights [and have a few good laughs] on this page. The quality of the blog in general is very convincing, which is why I would love to feature you and your writing on the Recommended Blog on Sweden section on
    Not only do we feature and link to your blog prominently; we also would like to hear from you directly in our questionnaire! We have also designed a link badge for your blog.
    If you are interested, please feel free to contact me via email:
    Malte Zeeck

    • Hi Malte, I’m would be honored to be part of Thank you for noticing my blog, I am so happy that you like it and feel others could learn from it! Emailing you now 🙂

  33. Hi Meg! Thanks very much for liking my post about colorful cities & villages, I appreciate it! I like your blog! I think it’s very interesting to read about how people experience new countries. I’ve been to Sweden once (Stockholm) and very much enjoyed it. It’s a beautiful country and I’d like to travel further into Sweden some time! Do you go back to New York often? Keep up the good work! Cheers!

  34. You have a great attitude and as a Jersey girl whose been living in Norway for over twenty years, I know that’s half the battle…

  35. I loved your blog! I was reading your posts about learning the language and the SFI classes and I couldn’t help but laugh. I’ll keep coming back often, I can easily relate to many things that you’ve said. You should consider yourself lucky to be able to practice the language with your husband! I’m out of school until August and have very few chances to practice the language! Hopefully it will stay with me until my next class

    • Sorry for the late reply! I love writing about the language struggles, I think its the most interesting part of being here (and the food)! I know Swedes and other SFI students can really relate and get a kick out of it! Good luck with your studies!

  36. Meg, trying to be a Swedish wife …. don’t try too hard.*laughter – like what see here .. so I will stick around. Lovely to have met you. Wivi

  37. Hi Meg- I just wanted to send you a quick THANKS for being such a loyal follower of my blog. Your support is so appreciated!

  38. Wow! I could have written your intro! Except I’m from San Diego, CA and we (finally) met in Japan. I’ve been living in Sweden for 3 years now. I would LOVE to hear from another American!

    BTW, I’m at a little town near Linköping.

    • Hej Rae! Always great to hear about others who moved to Sweden for love! I’ve never been to Linkoping, but my husbands family lives in “a little town near” Jonkoping :), which isn’t too far!

  39. What a wonderful blog, Meg! It is nice to know that others are in similar situations. I moved 2 months ago from Canada to Halmstad, Sweden (Yes, because of my boyfriend) and absolutely love it here. I hope you are enjoying SFI, Meg! 🙂

  40. Nej! I am here for 364 days on my visa, so unfortunately I can not get a personnummer, hence I can not join SFI. I finished my Swedish intensive course at Folkuniversitet recently. How is SFI treating you? I am going to try the Canelbullar recipe tomorrow that you posted. Thank you so much! Maybe we will see each other around. 🙂

    • Hi Michelle! I don’t mean to thread jack but couldn’t help but notice your reply. If your bf is Swedish, you’re definitely entitled to a personnummer! We had no intention to marry when I first arrived here and had gotten mine not too long after. Are you here on a sambo visa?

      • Hey Rae, no worries! I obtained my visa through the Youth Canada Exchange Program between Canada and Sweden. so it is quite different from a regular visa where you need a sponsor. They even specify in my papers that it is 364 days so I can not get a personnummer. Haha, it is ridiculous. Thank you for replying though 🙂

    • Hej Michelle,

      Rae has a good point- you can certainly try to apply for a sambo visa or sometimes there are temporary personnummers as well, although I don’t know under what circumstances they are given (I guess work or school) SFI has been very helpful- how is Folkuniversitet? I might start to teach English classes there in January if I get enough students, so I’d love to hear about it! Please let me know how your kanelbullar comes out!

      • Yeah, I had emailed Skatteverket before I left with my circumstances and they said I can not get a personnummer. It is so silly! Folkuniversitet was really nice, I really enjoyed it! The staff there were so friendly and helpful if we needed anything. Our Swedish class was only 2 people, so we had the opportunity to experience the comfort of small class room size and more chances to ask questions. What do you do for work Meg? I will definitely let you know! 🙂

  41. Hej Meg and fellow state of New Yorker! I moved to Sweden April of last year (2012) from Jamestown, NY (near Buffalo). A Swedish co-worker shared your blog with me today and it is fantastic! I laugh at some of the same things we both have seemed to discover here in our new home. I also have a Swedish husband (as of this summer) and we met while we were both on vacation in the US at the same place. I look forward to reading and relating to your experiences here in Sweden!

    • Hello, I am also from western NY, Rochester to be exact. What part of Sweden are you in? I have been in Sweden for over three years and I live in Skåne.

      • I live in Västerås. Too funny about Rochester because my daughter just started in Engliska Skolan this year and her Science/Math teacher is from Rochester. She just moved here right before school started, so she is brand new to this Swedish life style. I will def. have to pass on your blog to her as well. 😉

    • Hej hej! It’s always so cool to hear about other New Yorkers that have moved to Sweden! It’s great to relate to each other in this strange new country 🙂 I’m thrilled that you enjoy the blog and that your co-worker recommended it! I hope Sweden is treating you well ^^

  42. I’ve been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award and I am now sharing the love… I think your blog is inspiring, well written and thoroughly worth reading, so I have nominated you for the award too: consider yourself a Very Inspiring Blogger! If you would like to accept the award, click on the following link to read the rules and the post in which you are listed: Congratulations!

  43. My husband and I met also online but back when MSN had different chatrooms and we both happened to be in the one that was the busiest, the romance room 😛 I moved to London from Stockholm and we have a 1 year old girl and I am never moving back to Stockholm or Sweden, no if I can help it 😀 Good luck, I think you are very brave

    • How fun to hear about how people meet online! You are just as brave for moving to London as I am for coming to Sweden – Glad you ended up with someone you love, somewhere you love!

  44. Hello. I found your website today and have found it inspirational. I have met and fell in love with a man living in Sweden, 15 years my junior, through an online social site, not a dating site. I live in New York. He is equally entralled with me. We speak by phone several times per day, we share so very much in common it is uncanny. He wants to visit for the first time this Spring. But I am a bit apprehensive as I do not know what the end game would be. He is divorced with a young daughter that needs him, I have an older daughter still in school. My heart says just let him come and see what happens. But my head says how could this possibly work out. I guess I just wanted to know if you struggled with your decision to initially pursue your relationship with your husband. Or did you “just know”. Thank you. 🙂

    • Hi Joyce! Sorry for the delayed response, it has been a hectic holiday! I’m happy that Something Swedish gave you some inspiration 🙂 My advise? There’s no harm in trying it out. The heart wants what it wants, and the rest will fall in place. If it works out between the two of you face to face, the rest will follow – eventually. It is a long road, but it’s worth it. We traveled back and forth for three years, but we never regretted it.We did “just know” and kept going. It was the journey that brought us together. If he visits you, take the time to try instead of being worried or nervous or thinking about the end game, no need to jump so far ahead that you scare yourself out of something with potential. You can’t control who you will fall for- or where in the world they will live. The world is a small place nowadays. And a Swedish man is a good one to have 🙂 Good luck – I hope it works out and I hope this helped!

  45. Oh my! Sounds like my story I met my boyfriend playing League of Legends, came to visit him in summer and we fell in love although until then we were just friends and talked in skype at the time, but now I am also in Sweden waiting for ID 😀 Hah, not an unique love-story I guess 😀

  46. Hey! I am an expat living in Halmstad and teaching at Engelska Skolan. I moved here from Philadelphia in August 2012. I heard about your blog through a cover teacher at the school who met you through SFI…I think. Her name is Julie and she was really nice. I’m 23. We should fika 🙂 Email me if you have a chance!

  47. Clearly you have quite the following, and I can see why! I just (selfishly) hope that you continue writing in English. It’s a very helpful website and several of the Swedish nuances I completely relate to. I had a discussion with my Swedish colleague about the differences in the keyboards and much to my chagrin, he didn’t yield. Now I have some cannon fodder with your lovely drawing of the differences as well as the common mistake you (and I) make when typing on a Swedish keyboard.

    Being in Sweden, I had to switch from a PC to a Mac, and now can much more easily switch the preferences back and forth from English to Swedish, which is such a blessing. Prior, I would use a translator and copy the individual extra letters to complete the word I needed to type haha.

    How long have you been here now? How long did it take you to go through the SFI courses? Do you speak Swedish or English at home/work? And how did you get the Dala horse to show up on the tab–that’s awesome!?

    Trevlig Helg!

    • Time flies! I remember reading this comment and meaning to reply to it as if it was yesterday – sorry about that!

      Luckily for you I don’t plan on switching the blog to Swedish (Although I might start making little extra posts for fun in Swedish every so often, for fun and practice) I’ve been living in Sweden for about a year and a half now (Since Dec 2011). I finished SFI in about 9 months (give or take due SFI being very slow and not so helpful in the summer time and going on vacation) I wasn’t comfortable enough with my Swedish until only about 6 months ago – it makes a huge difference when you start to use it outside of school! I speak English at home because its easier and try to speak Swedish everywhere else.

      As for the dala horse… its a secret! 😛 (Aka, I don’t remember, I looked it up and followed the tutorial)

  48. I hope you do not mind me getting in touch. I work for an American property and travel show and I came across your blog whilst looking for people to participate in our popular documentary show and really enjoyed reading about your adventures!

    We are currently looking for families and individuals to appear on our show who have recently relocated to new and exciting parts of the world and have an interesting story to tell – and it seems to me you would fit the bill.

    I would love have the opportunity to tell you more about the show and how it would work and hear more about your adventurous move. To give you an overview – we tell the story of people who have moved to new countries with a particular focus on their property search and the story of why they chose their current location. We do offer a payment of $1500 (or a flight home – although I think most of the people who have been on the show take part for the experience more than the money!) for every episode and filming takes 3-4 days.

    If you would be interested in finding out more I would be delighted to arrange a mutually convenient time to speak over the phone. You can contact me on +1 212 231 7715 or +1 917 2745401. Alternatively you can email me a good number to reach you on and the best time to call and I would be happy to call you at your leisure. My direct email address is

    Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon.

    All the best

    Paula Wright
    Segment Producer
    ‘House Hunters International’
    Leopard Films USA
    Tel: +1 212 231 7715
    Cell: +1 917 274 5401

  49. Hello, I stumbled across your blog today when i was searching for info on SAS. Like you i have just started SAS and i’m trying to get my head around the different methods and style of teaching. Sometimes i feel like i’ll never get there! I am British so i have found learning a new language from scratch very difficult. I have a blog too (which i find helps when i write things down) We are actually house hunting in the part of Sweden where you are so any advice on which areas are good or ones we should avoid i’d be really grateful. We are in Stockholm now and until my husband got his new job i wasn’t really aware of that town and now we are moving there! Thanks, Heather

    Ps your blog is great by the way!

    • Hi Heather! SAS is a whole different experience than SFI, but I’ve just learned to focus on doing it all myself. I guess its hard because with so many people from so many different countries and educations and levels, you just have to work at your own speed at this point. I hope it works out for you though!

      Are you moving to Halmstad specifically? Its really a nice place to live, especially if you are near centrum and not on the outskirts away from where everything is. It’s not a huge town, but its a tourist town which gets very busy in the summer! It’ll feel very different from Stockholm, but its relaxing with lots of stores and restaurants. The only neighborhood I can say is “bad” (by Swedish standards) is andersberg which is basically all immigrants and is a little different than the rest of the city. The closer you can be to centrum, the better. Really, anything between the university and centrum is within a good distance. Where is your husbands new job? I hope you enjoy it here!

  50. Hi,

    I hope you don’t mind me getting in touch; however we are currently looking for some people to join us as mystery diners in Sweden and are looking for those that dine out on a regular basis and have good written skills.

    Because of your blog I thought it may be of interest to you and some of your network to join. We have a couple of visits in the next few weeks and several visits available in the area on an ongoing basis.

    As with all mystery visits our clients pay for all reimbursements in return for a report on your visit. If this sounds of interest then please do get in touch or visit our website Feel free to forward this on to your friends and family and encourage them to sign up as well.

    If you would like any further information then please do get in touch.

    Kind regards,


    Natalie Martin | Business Consultant | HospitalityGEM | Kings Court, Parsonage Lane, Bath, BA1 1ER | +44 (0)1225 470999 |
    From 2013, The Mystery Dining Company will trade as HospitalityGEM, supporting restaurants, pubs, hotels and caterers with a range of Guest Experience Management services and software

  51. Love reading your blog, I too met my bf on a game, he is Swedish (Lives in Västerås but is from Eskilstuna originally) and I plan on moving there once I complete my English degree.

  52. Warhammer online, am there pretty much every moment I can get. I really love the country. 🙂

  53. Hi Meg, would like to ask you a favor. Can you give me a reference for a good online cake shop at halmstad ? I am from Indonesia and would love to give surprise for my bf that lives in halmstad since his bday will be on July 29th. Appreciate so much for the help. Tack so mycket.

    • Hi Miya – how sweet of you 🙂 The main bakery in town is called Ostras Bröd (there are several locations). Here is the link to their website’s cake section (Tårtor) Unfortunately I don’t see them delivering. There are tons of small bakeries as well, but I doubt any of them deliver and it would depend WHERE in Halmstad he is 🙂 That is your safest bet. Good luck!

  54. Hi Meg, I just wanted to say thank you so much for this blog. I am from England and my partner is a Swede. We met in the US, whilst both studying abroad on an exchange programs 7 and a half years ago. He has lived in the UK for 7 years now and is ready to head back to Sweden. We plan to make the move early 2014. I really want to live in Sweden; I have loved it every time we visit. However the language and culture change are a bit daunting. Your blog has been an amazing source of info for me, and has helped me feel much more prepared for our imminent relocation. Again thank you!

    • Anytime, Hannah! I hope to continue to help you with upcoming posts! If you think of anything you would like to be covered on the blog, a question or a topic, feel free to private message me on the Something Swedish facebook page! It will be a great experience having lived in both countries together, to compare and adjust side by side. It takes a while to adapt, but it just clicks one day, so don’t stress it! Lycka till! (Good luck!)

  55. Hej Meg! I have been dropping in on your blog over the past several months and decided it was time to finally comment. My Swedish husband and I met online in July of 2012. I visited Sweden three times (for a total of about two months) before he was able to spend his summer vacation in Kansas and finally meet my family. My temporary residency was granted in June and therefore we were able to return home to Sweden together (near Skellefteå) earlier this month. Your blog has provided me with countless laughs and encouragement at times when I needed those things the most! I am considering the possibility of starting a blog of my own as a means of helping myself and others adjust as well as keeping my family and friends overseas informed on the goings on here in Sverige. Thanks so much for sharing your journey in such a positive and humorous way.

    • Love hearing from a long time reader first time commenter – exciting!! It’s always a relief to feel like you can relate to someone out there! We all make similar mistakes, I think. I started this blog for the same reason, to keep family and friends into the loop, but I continued writing for the other readers that seemed to enjoy it so much – and for myself, it’s like therapy. Good luck with life in Sweden – please comment back with your blog name if you do decide to start one!

  56. Hi meg, i just found your blog today and it deff was a breath of fresh air for me, like you, i also met my soon to be husband on the internet, he also went to NYC to meet me and i came to sweden to visit him a week later, 2 months later i moved to halmstad…. that was 2 years a go and i am still struggling to integrate. Lagom is deff the hardest thing for me, you see… im half spanish, half mexican, ive spent half of my life in the US, the last 4 years before moving here in NYC, you can imagine how loud and obnoxious my background makes me 😀 even though i just found your blog today it is an engourangement for me. thanks for sharing your experience, i am sure it will help me to not feel so alone in this crazy journey 😀

    • Wow, two months!? You are braver than I! I visited back and forth for a few years so kinda knew what I was getting into and had a little more time to prepare (mentally/research/language). Haha, I understand how lagom could be hard for you, I hope I can help! I’m glad to be an encouragement, no one is every alone.

  57. Hi. I was googling and came across your blog. By 2015, we plan to move to Sweden, as my husband is a Swede and we are moving to be closer to his family. We have been married since 07/2001. Needless to say, I am nervous. I am nervous that our daughter, who will be 12 when we plan to move, will do well in school. She has 2 half-siblings who live in Sweden and she has her farfar/farmor, aunt, uncle and cousin (who is 2 years younger than her and they are very close). Both my daughter and I are using Rosetta Stone to learn Swedish, as my husband hasn’t had much luck with us in all these years, although we do know a few phrases and words.

    My other concern is moving there…how will I cope as well? I love my in-laws like they are my own family so that helps. But I don’t know the process for applying to be a resident there. I don’t know what kind of job I can get. I am a medical transcriptionist and have been for 23 years. I doubt that will be an option when I move to Sweden, as my language skills for Swedish will never get to that point.

    I just wondered if you can give me any advice, thoughts, etc. I am going to be reading your blog, get caught up on it starting at the beginning, and look forward to updates. I’m so thankful I found this.

    My name is Jayne, btw.

    • Hi Jayne! I’m another reader of megalagom and another American 🙂 I know of a woman (also American) that moved to Sweden with very similar situation – long time married to a Swede in the States with older kids. I can try to get ahold of her if you like, it’s nice to be able to ask questions from someone in a similar situation. She’s the only other American I know (we’re really few and far between around here)! Let me know.

    • Hej Jayne!

      First thing is first – you seem to have a good amount of time to get everything in order, so that’s a plus. Secondly, since you’re already long time married with children the process is likely to go a lot faster and smoother (Not needing to prove that it is a fake marriage) I have a friend who actually got her PUT (Permanent visa) right away due to her being inquisitive enough to ask why she needs to wait two years if there is no doubt about her status or intention, since they had been married for ten years and they have two eight year olds together. I was shocked, that is a huge help and a lot less hassle later on.
      You sound like you are very much more prepared and have more support and family and connections than most people do when they move to another country, there is nothing to be nervous about! You seem to know what to expect, the only thing is facing the change – which becomes normal faster than you think. Rosetta Stone is a great help to start with, it is a great idea to get a head start on the language. If your daughter struggles with the language theer are also international schools that have a much larger focus on classes in English, but still a few in Swedish.

      Contact the Swedish Embassy in your state if you don’t know where to start, but there should be tons of instructions online with which forms and documents you need to submit. One thing that they don’t tell you (unless they have changed it) is that the biometrics that they say you NEED to go to DC to get, can also be done in Sweden when you arrive. (I did mine in Goteborg, the day I got here) I’ve been meaning to write a “How to move to Sweden” post – maybe I should get started on it and see if it helps you out!

      The first thing you will have to do when you get here is get your perssonnummer so that you can start SFI and continue with your language building. From there opportunities start to unfold. Language is key – don’t say that you’ll never get there, you’ll be surprised how fast it comes once it “clicks” even if it means a lot of studying. Start with a “praktik” which is basically a language internship and work your way up, even if you aren’t in your exact field, we all have to sort of start over when moving abroad. If all these other people can do it, so can you.

      • Thank you for the information and encouragement. I’m so glad I found your blog!

        We already have our names on a list for apartments in Vellinge, as my in-laws live there, and in Lund. Hoping to eventually buy a house somewhere close to both. Looking at homes for sale there is a lot of fun, I have to say.

        I hate moving from my family, especially my mother. My father passed away 3 years ago, and my mom is in her 80s, but she has said she will come stay with us off and on, and we will visit often back here in the states. She has visited Sweden with us in the past.

        Thank you again.

      • BTW, I also met my husband online, CUSeeMe – a video chat room where a few of us just hung out and talked. He became a good friend. He has a cousin who lives in Florida, so he drove up to Kansas to visit me, and we were married soon after. It’s now been 12 years.

    • I’ll try to get ahold of her, she’s not online much, so it’s a little difficult. How can I give you her contact info once I let her know? Is there a private way to do this? Perhaps you have a blog where I can private message you?

  58. On the whole “met online” thing… i met my bf online too (he is swedish and i moved here to stay with him, that is how i found your blog)… and when i finally told my mother about it… she said… “ah… you dont know cos i didnt want you to know, but i actually met your dad thanks to advertisment i had in newspaper… ” XD every family has their tradition; our one apperently is to meet future husbands virtually heh

  59. Hey Meg! I took the plunge and started my blog. You can find it at . Life has been busy and I haven’t posted as much as I would like, but it is a little glimpse into my thoughts on being new in Sweden. I would love if you (and anyone else here) would check it out and let me know what you think. And best of luck to everyone who is new here or planning on moving soon. The process can be tedious but in my experience it is worth the wait!

  60. Meg: We are an American family in Halmstad for the year for my husband’s sabbatical year at Hogskolan. Love to meet you some time for a cup of coffee.
    (the blog this is coming from is for my thirteen year old son)

    • Hi Mary! Coffee would be wonderful! And your sons writing is excellent – what a great blog, he doesn’t write like any 13 year old I know! I’ll be in touch once I know my new work schedule! Hope you’re enjoying Halmstad.

  61. Hej Meg!

    I just stumbled upon your blog today and felt so connected!

    I moved to Sweden in January 2013 from Michigan. I met my boyfriend online (on some random chat room) just over five years ago. He hasn’t been to the States yet (he tried once, but was sent back home over miscommunication. Long story) but before moving to Sweden I visited once for two weeks (short visit to decide to move across country, I know!). We didn’t even meet until 4 years of knowing each other though so we were ready to move our relationship forward.

    I’m currently doing sfi. I just started at the beginning of September. I’m doing alright I suppose, but I’m so impatient! Lol.

    All that matters though is that I’m finally within distance of my better half!

    Your blog is awesome!

    Lycka till!

    Hej då!

    P.S. I read in a comment that you haven’t been to Stockholm (although as I’m writing this I realize that I didn’t look at the date of your comment so maybe by now you have visited… lol) and I must encourage you to go ASAP! I’ve been a few times because usually when I leave or return to Sweden (via Arlanda Airport) we stay at a hotel in Stockholm before heading back home (Which is near Västerås).

    • Hej Rach!

      I am so curious to know how/why he got turned away (it was a big concern of my husbands the first time he traveled to visit me). I know how it feels to be impatient!! I want to be fluent yesterday – but that’s not too realistic lol. It will come, one day it just clicks and you start feeling more confident and comfortable and REALLY start learning.

      I still haven’t been to Stockholm, I really want to but it is just too much money when we are living off of one paycheck (we live about 5-6 hours away) I promise I will ASAP, but don’t know when!

      Thanks for the lovely comment! Lycka till med allt!

    • Hello Rach,
      I am also a big fan of Megan’s blog and I have recommended it to many of my friends who were in my SFI class. They where not all from the States like me (I’m from Western NY), but i felt the way Meg explained everything was awesome for anyone who is not a Native Swede. ;-D

      Now i am curious where you are living…i actually live in Västerås (for the last 2 1/2 years now) and am always curious if there are any other fellow Americans in the area.

      Best Regards,

  62. Finding your blog is a great pleasure! First we’re both rambling New Yorkers and I’m in a relationship with a Swedish man. We’ve talked about me moving over there and finding a job and it’s always so daunting to think about it but reading your blog makes me happy to see someone doing it and explicitly writing about is as well.

    Even if you don’t post super often I’m going to take advantage of what you have written so far!

    • Hi Mary! Well, it’s been a few months since you posted but I am curious if you have decided to move? I’m happy that the blog has helped think about it at least! Good luck!

      • Hello again!
        Recently he and I have decided to marry 😀
        We went to the tax office (as I am in Sweden now visiting) and was told that I need a paper from the US stating that I am single and unmarried. Did you have to do something similar? I can’t seem to find anything useful. I emailed the city clerk in NYC but no reply yet and have not found anything useful via google.

        Your help would be greatly appreciated!

      • I looked through my Marriage paperwork and what you need is called an Apostille. This allows you to marry outside of the US. It needs to be notarized, and does cost a bit of money. Good luck! hope that helps!

      • I see the form but exactly what is it? It authenticates something but I have no idea what for if the paper Sweden wants doesn’t exist in the US.

        Do I just fill the form out and it is enough? Sorry for all the questions, you were the first person I could think of who could help me out with this.

  63. Thanks for sharing Meg,

    I really enjoyed reading about your experiences as expat in Sweden and will keep reading whenever you post anything new. I can relate to the raised eyebrows when you tell people about how you two met as I also found my wife through Internet but back in 1995 when dating sites wasn’t so common. I guess the Internet word raised the same eyebrows then as the gaming word does today. My move was only from south of Sweden to north of Sweden but it was from being the son of a family to being the stepfather of a young girl, from being served a meal to being serving the meal.

    The main reason I stumbled upon your blog is the expat part as me and my wife has started discussing to perhaps, sometime in the future, open that door that my education has placed there and leave the dark and cold Swedish winters. The possibility of a new country, new language, new culture and new ways to make a fool out of myself made me start looking up others expat experiences.

    • No matter from which and to which country someone moves to, the expat experience always applies! I think a lot of adapting has to do more with your attitude than to the actual culture or place. I can imagine that moving from southern to northern Sweden is still a big move.

  64. Great Story. I’m also married to a Swede, but we have been living in NYC for a few years and I’m a native here. BUT, we are moving to Sweden in another year. I’m trying to learn the language, as an adult I find this very hard. We do things like word of the day and I teach my self with svenska language dvd’s. If I don’t learn svenska phrases daily, it easily fades everyday. I’ll probably enroll in school when I get there to learn for sure.

    • I can imagine that learning the language outside of the country is pretty slow and difficult. Once you are here you can take free Swedish for Immigrant classes and be surrounded by the language and other language learners. It makes a huge difference! Lycka till! You will love it here.

  65. Hi Meg! I just have to say I really enjoy your blog! My girlfriend (American as well – between NYC and Florida) sent it to me. There are so many fun things to read about. It makes it even more interesting since you guys live in my hometown! Im born and raised in Halmstad! Hope to be able to go for double dates when I’m showing my gf Halmstad. The most beautiful city in Sweden 🙂 /Markus

  66. Hi there, moving to southern Sweden from Oregon this summer. I would love a list of “what I wish I had brought/bought in the US before I left”. I know some people say Tylenol, cold and flu medicines etc. Any other thought?


    • Hi Linda! Sorry for the delay! I do agree with medicine, as they don’t have as much over the counter cold medicine as we do. I stock up on Day-quill and Night-quill pills, personally. I will say that clothing and make up is much cheaper in the states than what I have experiences here, along with hair cuts (not that you can bring that, but get it done before you move!). There are certain foods that aren’t available that I missed very much in the beginning and I know that some people bring food with them whenever they visit home, but there are many stores with an American section as well.

  67. Hello Meg! Just found your blog. I moved to Sweden last year in October to live with my sambo.
    I am going to dig through your posts 🙂 Really interested in your experiences compared to mine!

  68. Hello Meg. I am so very excited to find this! I always tell my mother I want to meet someone from Europe and move there from the US because I can not stand the culture here. After reading so many of these posts, it actually doesn’t sound too far fetched. I am still in high school but live in a VERY rural area. We finally have three traffic lights. I am doing a culture project and began using your site for information and my mother started reading your information and became so excited. She and I have been reading through the blog now and she encourage me to comment and leave my information. My understanding is that it is very difficult to move there. I am not a gamer, I prefer to read books. I look Swedish, I am very pale with blue eyes and reddish blonde hair. I would love to learn the language and can’t wait to follow your adventures. Any suggestions you may have for me would be great!

    • Hi Amanda!

      I’m happy that the blog has inspired you so much! I can understand wanting to travel to experience new culture! It’s not something I ever planned for or thought about before it happened, but I would suggest trying to get into a foreign exchange program! It’s a great way to learn about a different culture and country. I know a lot of people who have done this and have loved it!

  69. Hi there! Thank you so much for writing this blog. I can really identify with you, as my boyfriend is from Sweden and we go there every year for Christmas. I absolutely adore Sweden! We are graduating from college this year and plan to stay in the states for a while then one day move to Sweden. I wanted to see if you could give me information about how you learned Swedish, as I know that is an important factor in obtaining a job and assimilating into Swedish culture. I will be moving to NYC in June, and want to start learning Swedish this year so I can be prepared for if we move there one day! Could you share with me what programs you used?

    Thank you!

    • Hi Caroline! So sorry for the long delay – I was pretty absent from the blog when you wrote this comment. Congratulations on graduating – I hope you are finding NYC amazing! Before I moved to Sweden I focused on Rosetta Stone which helped a lot with the basics and probably could have helped with more but I only did it for a few months before moving. 99% of my language learning happened once I moved here though, since we have classes provided to us and being surrounded by the language helps. You can certainly try submersing yourself by listening to Swedish music, audio books, watching Swedish tv or movies with subtitles on. It depends on how motivated you are! Good luck!

  70. Hey there! I found your blog today and I instantly started smiling when i read this “about” section. Me and my sambo has the same story as you basically…but reversed. I am from Sweden, and he is from Arizona. We have been a couple for almost two years now and met through Wordfeud. Ppl always find that strange and funny. I kinda cringe every time someone asks “how did you two meet?” 😉 Anyways, he moved to Sweden 4 months ago and is now in SFI and have already landed a part time job. So proud of him! I try to be as much of a help to him as I can…to make him feel at home here…but I sure notice that it is hard to be new in a country where you don’t speak the language. I will read more of your blog and also recommend my boyfriend to read it! 🙂 Take care, Marina

    • Hi Marina! So sorry for not responding sooner. Thank you for the comment – It’s always nice hearing other people’s success stories! These days I actually enjoy telling people about how we met, it’s a fun story. I hope your boyfriend is loving Sweden and his Swedish is coming along. Good luck to him! (Lycka till!)

  71. Hey! I just found your blog and it made me SO happy! I am in that part where I live in Brazil and my boyfriend lives in Sweden. He’s coming here to visit again in december and I’m planning on going to live there next year and we already started all the money saving. I loved that you said ‘All we know is that we are here now”, because that’s my situation too…I’m not sure about the future, I just know what are my plans today 🙂
    It’s really good to see a person that is a little ahead from where I am, it gives me a perspective. Needless to say that I will read every single line of your blog and possibly have further doubts about a lot of things. I hope you’re ok with questions 🙂
    Thank you for sharing your story!

    • Hi there! Sorry for not responding sooner. Traveling back and forth is difficult, I hope the blog has helped you feel better about the idea of moving! It is scary at first, but gets better and easier every day! It is 100% better than dealing with the long distance relationship. If you have a positive attitude you will be fine! Please message me on facebook if you have any questions!

  72. Hey Meg.. Just found your blog today…love it!! For the same reason, I just moved to Sweden from Singapore this August and can’t believe it it’s been 6weeks already!! I am kinda slow in my swedish study progress but on the other hand..lucky me I got a job in Stockholm and gonna move there this Sunday! Though me and my boyfriend will be apart during weekdays..but still much better compared to the country distance we had before 😛

    Gonna continue follow your blog..keep it up! 🙂

    • Hi Irene, sorry for responding so late. Wow! What an awesome opportunity for you. It’s not easy to find a job so fast in a new country – I hope it is going well. Learning the language takes time and I’m sure you’ve come a long way since you wrote this comment. Working is the best way to feel at home in a new country, I am happy for you!

  73. It’s so lucky to find your blog! It’s very helpful.
    My family moved to Stockholm from Beijing about 3 and half years ago. I will read your old post especially about Learning The Swedish Ways!

  74. I’m delighted I came across your site and was wondering if you or any of your readers can give me some advice about recruitment in Sweden. I’m working for a company that is looking to expand into Stockholm and was wondering if anyone had any advice on the best places to advertise locally. We are looking for English speaking businessmanagers so any advice would be greatly appreciated. We’ve advertised on Linkedin and but haven’t had much luck attracting the right applicants.

    • Hi Milkoaa! I don’t know if this helps, but I am part of groups on facebook for expats in Sweden and Jobs in Sweden. There are dozens of open groups like that on facebook that could potentially be a good place to advertise for job opportunities. The Local (Swedish News in English) also has a forum where you might be able to post a thread looking for applicants. I don’t use these sites often at all, but I know they exist and have a bit of a community. Good luck!

  75. Hi!
    My bame is Maggie Haga and I have recently married in Sweden also. July 12 ,2014.
    My husband and I met much like you and yours .. Online thru a mutual interest.. MUSIC. My husband is a Professional musician.
    We fell in love online ad well over a year on the phone nearly everyday. Then he sent for me. I had never been to Europe. I flew into Arlanda/ Stockholm and stayed in Fagersta. He engaged me and I returned 3 months later in July to be married. I am now waiting on my temp residency and ready to move for good they estimate March 2015.
    Could use any help. My husband actually just left today back to Sweden from a 3 week Christmas stay.
    I only know words in swedish but cannot understand the language.
    I love your blogs! Such a blessing for me to know I’m not the only one.
    Im from sunny southern California. Newport Beach California.
    Tack for your blog and stories 🙂
    Maggie Haga

    • Hi Maggie! Congratulations on your marriage! You will love it in Sweden. It’s scary to move without knowing the language, but you will learn it once you move here since there are free classes to help you and you will be surrounded by it. You are certainly not alone. Good luck! (Lycka till!)

  76. Wow, I could almost have written this post myself, except that I came from Australia 🙂 I met my Swedish hubby playing an online game too! Just wanted to say thanks for the blog posts, I shared your one about Swedish supermarkets with my family. I’ve been here about 2 years now, so I had kinda forgotten all of those little differences until I was reminded.

  77. Meg, you are amazing! I found your blog looking up teaching in English in Sweden because I really like their sense of justice or what I now know is Lagom! I want to be you when I grow up!

  78. Hi Meg. I recently discovered your blog, and I am absolutely in love! Thank you so much for everything you’ve written. Something Swedish is a great resource, and I think I can relate to your story a lot. My husband (a Swede) and I (a Texan) met online during high school through a chatroom, have been distant friends for over 5 years, and reconnected romantically about two years ago. We recently got married in Sweden, and we’re beginning to plan out our future together, despite still being long distance. I guess the hardest part in planning our future so far is trying to navigate how we can get from point A to point B–ultimately with me moving to Sweden and starting our life together. There’s so many things to consider, but your blog has been very helpful and informative. What I’ve read of your story so far is really an inspiration, and I can’t wait to read more.

    • It sounds like you and I have a lot in common 🙂 If I can do it, so can you! I’m glad you found the blog and find it useful (sorry that it isn’t updated as regularly anymore). If you have any questions or just want to chat about your future move then feel free to message me through the Something Swedish Facebook page – Lycka till!!

  79. Hi Meg. First of all, congrats for your amazing blog 🙂 I have a similar story.. I also met my girlfriend (swedish) online, when I was studying here in Halmstad, and after a long (looooong) wait, I finally moved here. It’s funny to see in your posts some places I’ve been 😛 Though I must say I am very curious about the shooting range in Galgberget.. don’t you remember where or how one can get there?

  80. Hi, I just discovered your blog while searching about possibly living in Sweden. My son also met his fiance’ online playing a game. Nice to read it’s not as uncommon as I thought. He moved to Alingsas in 2008 and has since blessed me with two beautiful grandchildren. I visit a couple times a year and now that the children are getting older, as am I, I wonder about relocating so as to be closer.

  81. I stumbled across your blog while searching for Swedish dishes to bring to Thanksgiving dinner (your Swedish Thanksgiving post, although based in Sweden versus the US, has helped me in my research so far! 🙂 ). While I am not the one who relocated overseas (my Swedish husband did), your story still feels so relatable to me. For the sake of my husband, who has also been learning to be a husband while also being a US resident and living far away from home and family. And for myself, since even though we chose to live stateside (for now), I still consider myself a Swedish wife. I don’t want my husband’s Swedish background to ever be compromised in any way, and I’m actively learning the Swedish language while trying to incorporate Swedish traditions into our American life together. Lagom is DEFINITELY the one Swedish word to know, if no others! We use this word almost daily. I love the Swedish concept of balance – it’s something so many Americans could work on, myself included, and the whole thing is just this big learning experience and adventure. So glad I came across you – I have a lot of reading to keep myself busy with! 🙂

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